
Patient Health Data

Entity Types

Custom Entity Extended Entity

Field Types

Custom Field, Default Field, Foreign Key (Lookup)

List of Ailments


FieldDynamics DatatypeDescription
Date of OnsetDateWhen the disease began
Current MedicationSingle line of textName of current medication
Medication DosageWhole numberDosage of medication
Medication Unit of MeasureSingle line of textUnit the dosage is measured in
Medication FrequencySingle line of textHow frequently the medication is taken
Disease Classification IDLookupDisease classification foreign key
Patient IDLookupPatient foreign key

Disease Classification


FieldDynamics DatatypeDescription
IDPrimary keyDisease Classification ID
ICD-10 CodeSingle line of textStandardized code for disease classification
Short NameSingle line of textShort, common name for the disease
Long NameSingle line of textLong, descriptive name for the disease
Affected SystemOption setImmune system, cardiovascular system, etc.



FieldDynamics DatatypeDescription
IDPrimary keyPatient ID
First NameSingle line of textPatient first name
Last NameSingle line of textPatient last name
GenderOption setPatient gender
AddressSingle line of textPatient address
EmailEmailPatient email address
PhonePhonePatient phone number
Birth DateDate OnlyPatient birth date
Contact TypeOption setPatient & optionally, insurance agent
AgeCalculated field (cur date - birth date)Patient age
HeightWhole numberPatient height (cm)
WeightFloatPatient weight (kg)
Body Mass IndexCalculated field ((weight / height^2)*10,000)Patient BMI (unitless)
Insurance Plan IDLookupInsurance plan foreign key